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Optimise your process and save

On average 8 to 9% of staff are made up of flexible workers. You often hire them through various temporary employment or secondment agencies or as a self-employed worker without employees. This can cause you to lose sight of this part of your staff and you run the risk that not everything will be lawful. The administrative development also costs you extra time and money.

Cost savings 

Since 1994, we have been organising and managing our customers’ total flexible team. You simply continue to do business with your current suppliers of flexible staff, but outsource the management to MultiFlexx. This means the management of all your temporary workers is handled in one place. So the process can be optimised and you save time and money. With one invoice for all your flexible staff, your invoice costs will be drastically reduced. We also often achieve savings per hour worked. We can additionally play a digital brokerage role for you in the case of vacancies. We therefore offer you an optimal window to the labour market at the best prices. With our Vendor Management System, we can determine suppliers’ key performance indicators (KPIs). This system also improves your reporting capabilities. You will also receive a central management report on the total flexible staffing. This forms a good basis for further savings.

Process optimisation 

MultiFlexx knows your sector like no one else. Successfully filling your vacancies with multiple temporary employment and recruitment and selection agencies requires mastery. On the basis of our expertise, we can digitise this process for you. The result: cost saving, insight into and control over the process.

Mistakes cost money 

The average error percentage for temporary employment invoices is 11%. The checking and corrections to these cost your organisation time and money. The costs for a single invoice correction amount to around €45.00. Our service provision reduces this error percentage for you to practically nil. This also results in major savings for you. 

Sequential Liability Act and European procurement 

Working with multiple agencies brings risks with it. This is especially true in the case of uncertified temporary employment agencies. On the basis of the Sequential Liability Act, the Tax Administration can hold you responsible for unpaid payroll tax or premiums by other parties. Controls must also be carried out by various parties. Through our involvement, you are safeguarded against these risks. MultiFlexx is certified (NEN and VCU) and checking can be carried out at any desired location. Lawfulness around the purchasing process also forms an indisputable focus point at the level of European procurement. We manage this process in accordance with the European procurement regulations and support you in this. 

Quick implementation 

We implement the introduction of flexible management quickly. Our cooperation begins with creating a flexible analysis. Here we look specifically at the possibilities for process optimisation and saving within your organisation.You will quickly receive clear insight with the help of effective checklists and analyses. We will then make a proposal for a thorough implementation and communication plan. If this sounds good to you, the implementation will begin and will take around 4 weeks. Of course scheduled evaluations will take place in the meantime.